AB | accreditation body |
ADEM | Alabama Department of Environmental Management |
AGC | advanced geophysical classification |
AGC-QAPP | Advanced Geophysical Classification for Munitions Response Quality Assurance Project Plan |
AIM | American Indian Movement |
ANSI/ASQ E4-2004 | Quality Systems for Environmental Data and Technology Programs – Requirements with Guidance for Use |
BSI | blind seed item |
CERCLA | Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act |
CSM | conceptual site model |
CU | cubic yard |
DAGCAP | DOD Advanced Geophysical Classification Accreditation Program |
DAQ | data acquisition |
DD | Decision Document |
DDESB | Department of Defense Explosives Safety Board |
DERP | Defense Environmental Restoration Program |
DFW | definable features of work |
DGM | digital geophysical mapping |
DGPS | Differential Global Positioning System |
DMM | discarded military munition |
DOD | United States Department of Defense |
DQI | data quality indicator |
DQO | Data Quality Objective |
DU | decision unit |
DUA | data usability assessment |
ECOS | Environmental Council of the States |
EDQW | DOD Environmental Data Quality Workgroup |
EM | electromagnetic |
EMI | electromagnetic induction |
EOD | explosive ordnance disposal |
EPP | Environmental Protection Plan |
ERIS | Environmental Research Institute of the States |
ESP | explosives site plan |
ESS | explosives safety submission |
ESTCP | Environmental Security Technology Certification Program |
FLMA | Federal Land Management Agency |
FUDS | formerly used defense sites |
GCO | geophysical classification organization |
GPS | global positioning system |
GSV | geophysical system verification |
IDQTF | Intergovernmental Data Quality Task Force |
IMU | inertial measurement unit |
ISO | industry standard object |
ISS | informed source selection |
ITRC | Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council |
IVS | instrument verification strip |
MD | munitions debris |
MDAS | material documented as safe |
MDEH | material determined to have an explosive hazard |
MEC | munitions and explosives of concern |
MGFD | munition with the greatest fragmentation distance |
MMRP | Military Munitions Response Program |
MPC | measurement performance criteria |
MPV | man-portable vector |
MPPEH | material potentially presenting an explosive hazard |
MQO | measurement quality objective |
MR | munitions response |
MRS | munitions response site |
NAVFAC | Naval Facilities Engineering Command |
non-TOI | non-target of interest |
NOSSA | Naval Ordnance Safety and Security Activity |
NTCRA | non-time critical removal action |
PA | preliminary assessment |
PARCCS | precision, accuracy, representativeness, comparability, completeness, and sensitivity |
PDT | project delivery team |
PSQ | principle study question |
QA | quality assurance |
QAPP | Quality Assurance Project Plan |
QASP | quality assurance surveillance plan |
QC | quality control |
QSR | quality systems requirement |
RAO | remedial action objective |
RCA | root cause analysis |
RCRA | Resource Conservation and Recovery Act |
RI | remedial investigation |
ROD | Record of Decision |
RTK | real-time kinematic |
SAA | small arms ammunition |
SERDP | Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program |
SE | standard error |
SI | site inspection |
SNR | signal to noise ratio |
SOP | standard operating procedure |
TCRA | time critical removal action |
TOI | target of interest |
UFP-QAPP | Uniform Federal Policy for Quality Assurance Project Plans |
UFP-QS | Uniform Federal Policy for Implementing Environmental Quality Systems |
USACE | United States Army Corps of Engineers |
USEPA | United States Environmental Protection Agency |
UXO | unexploded ordnance |
WAA | wide area assessment |
WMP | waste management plan |